Saturday, January 10, 2009


So I was part of making this movie called Afterbang a while back.
We got the name from a phenomenon where some boarders would over do their landing style, like try and look dope and usually looking like they´re carrying a 40 inch tv. So it was more embarrassing than flattering to be called out on an afterbang.
(I heard Justin Hebbel came up with the word).

I ran into this link on the ski forum Newschoolers.

They (the skiers, or some of them) seem to consider afterbang a good thing... hmm. Here are some quotes:

- "Mickael, Vanular, and Clarke have skied with afterbang, rideaway, flavor on the landings, long before Brogan "
- "Vanular has been doing it for a long time..
Boarders have been doing it for even longer "
- "why do you need to have other people judge your style whether is worthy or the title of afterbang or not? you
have good style, but why dont you claim your own style and not call it afterbang"
- "afterbang is dope and obviously people would rather see someone stomp their landing and ride away clean
than land a little sketchy and struggle to ride away."
- "i dont know why every one is hatin on t w for being steezy after landing. i think it shows way more skill to be able to land blanced and still than be floppin around. so "afterbang" haters shut up its just really good people being good."


I just never thought if would be considered a flattering thing, but apparently it is to some:

Click on pic for proof.

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