He´s also edited two videos, but his embedding and compression skills aren´t that great, yet.
I´ll let him know how do compress better, the quality is pretty shitty but I still liked the clips.
I filmed this skating one with his point and shoot camera at one of our favorite school yards in San Diego.
Jussi can bring his kid/kids there too. They run around with toys while the 30 year old play too.
And in case you didn´t notice. Both Jussi and Iikka skate goofy footed and snowboard regular... weirdos.
And here´s a clip starring Jussi, Iikka, Lauri and Devun from Park City.
park city from jussi oksanen on Vimeo.
what!! how can you skate opposite stance from snowboard lol never heard of that
A lot of pro snowboarders skate goofy and snowboard regular.
Gian Simmen, Thomas Harstad, Mikkel Bang, Heikki Sorsa, Jeff Andersson (RIP), Nicolas Muller and then some..
I know of only two pro snowboarders who skate regular and snowboard goofy. Simon Chamberlain and Jed Anderson.
I know that this is an old post, but would you be willing to make a follow-up post about the compression settings that you mentioned? Maybe a walkthrough, or some tips.
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