So haven´t been doing much. I have some work to do but I´m mostly sleeping, or not sleeping. Kinda weird uh?
Went snowboarding for half a day in Tärnaby a few days ago. It was fun, but my body was hurting a little.
Tärnaby usually have temps around 20 to 30 below celsius this time a year. That´s 4 to 22 below fahernheit. This year it was +4 celcius / 39 fahrenheit. Strange.
Sweden is pretty chill, maybe that´s why I sleep all the time.
My last week in San Diego was pretty stressful.
I was packing and cleaning until 3 am with a 8 am flight... Pretty standard.
I laid down at 5 am to try and pop my back, but fell asleep... oops. Thank the lord that my friend called at 6 am and asked why I wasn´t at his house to drop of my white slipper (Caddy).
Barely made the flight after paying 170$ in extra baggage and 200$ in rebooking fee:(
You would think they could make sure your bags made it to your final destination when they make you pay extra for some extra kilos.. but I only collected 1/3 of my bags in Stockholm. I was not surprised.
The airline wanted more money from me in Denver, but I was like... no. So that took a while and that made be board the plane to Munich as the last person. And because they were over booked I got business class, not lame.
Trash, moving out sucks on so many levels.
Denver airport.
Not a lame way to travel. If it only happened more often than every 200 flights.
This is what they have on display 50 meters from the gate at the Munich airport. I don´t think that would fly in the bible belt or Salt Lake Airport. Can you imagine?
I complain about people who stand right by the belt when the bags arrive. In Sweden we have rules. See how nice and smooth it works with those pretty little yellow lines on the floor. I love the swedish mentality and trust for rules and regulations. It´s like we are robots sometimes. Always listening to what socialstyrelsen has to say. It´s lovely.
Stockholm from above.
First mag I picked up in Sweden.
At least Method Mag didn´t print the ad for my movie completely wrong...
Me in Tärnaby after paying 8-9$ / gallon for gas...
Now back to installing my an imac.
Just got Mtn. Lab 1.5. It's amazing. The bonus features are also really good and funny too.
yeah mtn lab 1.5 is really good, same with any video you and jake price are involved in.
hey do you know how to make the film burn effect in adobe pro 2.0 or final cut pro? im trying to figure it out...
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