Saturday, September 29, 2007

Lotsa work.

It´s 6 am... sun is about to come up. Hopefullly I´ll be able to sleep.

Had a somewhat productive day. Three of the snowboarders came by and looked at some edits.

My friend Ryan (who normally does motion graphics at DC) has joined me and Jake in out final stages of finishing the movie.

So, that´s mostly whats happened....

Some stuff happened on my youtube today too...

I put up a teaser for a movie I did in 2004. It was for Robot Food´s "Afterlame".

I used a Pennywise song for the teaser cause I was really into snowboard movies like "Road Kill", "Project 6" etc at the time.

Then today I read a comment about it... haha.

This kid thought it was the dumbest idea ever to re edit a "great snowboard video " into on that had my shitty taste in music.
Well, there was actually two kids who hated on it.

They were toally bummed that I had ruined a great movie..

I bow and say thank you for liking my movies. I giggle to the fact that you told me the teaser for this movie sucked.
I was amused by their comments, to say the least.

He he

I made this clip of my boss Ken a few months ago. Maybe it was last year... I don´t know. Anyway.. it just became a millionare. That´s right. Over 1.000.000 views. If I only had a dime for every time someone saw it... Then I´d build a house.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

So I finally lasered my eyes

After 15 years or something of contact lenses and glasses I am free.

Got lasik on saturday and it feels great. Maybe the best felling I´ve had in a long, long time.

I´ve been so nervous, for what? Nothing.

It took like 10 minutes. Didn´t feel a thing. So if anyone out there is thinking about it, let me tell you: There´s nothing to think about.

I guess it was a little too bright for me on the way home.

Here are some random pics from the last weeks:

After NZ I stayed in LA to transfer film. It was hectic. Driving 5 hours a day around LA for two days straight and then transfer for a good five hour session.
Good thing my radio and gps didn´t work in my first car. So I had to swap rentals too. I need radio. I love listening to Tom Leykis in the afternoons. He´s the biggest male shovenist in the world. He´s got a very entertining show. Check him out at

First car.

Bag with stuff in it (still haven´t un packed it)

Second car.

Second car with a parking ticket on it an hour later.

Straight off the plane from New Zealand. What do you do? You rent a Cadillac and go to Taco Bell. Now that´s living. Sorry Sweden, America has some things you don´t. Mmmm, taco supreme...

Witnessed a crash. Here´s some spare part.


Food. This is what I´ve been eating a lot of lately. Almost every day. My blood is probably 1% mercury by now.

My friend Ingemar has been in California for a few weeks now. I had some downtime in LA and we drove around... went shopping a little.

At the film transfer. I´m hyped on the stuff I came back with from NZ. Can´t wait to show it to people.

Went to Disneyland one afternoon. It was great. Been in front of the computer 12-18 hours a day. The movie is coming together though. I´m pretty happy with it.
We´ve been waiting for this one song to clear for a teaser/trailer. Hopefully it goes through really soon. I´m very happy with the trailer too.


I´ve been collecting pee photos for a year now. Here´s a sweet collection.

Then we have poor Britney. And that annoying guy Chris Crocker who´s been crying his heart out on youtube for her. I heard he got his own show on tv or something now. Only in America...

I missed the Family Guy Star Wars episode. And we tivoed it, but it was the wrong episode! Pissed.

Youtube took down all the clips of it too. And I can´t buy it on itunes either. So how does Fox plan for me to see it? I guess illegal download is my only option.

I know most of you people are ok with downloading music and movies. I do it from time to time too. But it is wrong, very wrong.

I do buy more dvd´ and itunes music and tv shows than most people, so I sleep good at night.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Paperwork and movie deadline.

Next few weeks will be very stressful.

To release some stress I watch youtube.

This one is amazing:
Skip forward to 1:34

How can this woman live her life without knowing if the earth is flat or not?

Is the world flat? I don´t know I never thought about it..
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OMG, still laughing over here. Amazing.

Don´t you learn this in kindergarden, or before..?
Call me curious, but haven´t this woman ever seen a globe, been in a plane, wondered why there´s a horizon. Seen a pic or a video clip of our planet?

I can´t comprehend... Her ignorance, or may I say her stupidity (?), is too far out there.

She must live a sweet world where facts like evolution and round planets are just to hard to understand.

God bless her.

Oh, I´m having lasik surgery on my eayes n saturday! Pretty exited about that.
With my luck you know the doctors will mix up my journal with someone elses.

No more glasses for Pierre.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wow. Free speech eh?

The kid asked a question and then the police start grabbing him... why?

For those of you who don't know about Skull & Bones
Skull & Bones deserves it's own subject. More on that another day.

Bottom line. What's up with freedom of speech in "The Land Of The Free" ?
The kid might have been a little annoying, but getting escorted out by force and tazed with 50.000 volts? Come on.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

It's a little strange

When you see someone re edit your work. I´ve seen a couple of them. Here´s one I came across:

From a movie I made with Robot Food, six years ago.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Another crash

This time in Thailand...

About 90 people died.

At least two swedes died. One was a 19 year old girl from Arvidsjaur (small city close to where I grew up, about 5000 in population). Which kind of freaked me out.

In the last post I mentioned that Colin McRae knew where Arvidjaur was and how to pronounce it.

And then today a girl from Arvidsjaur dies in a plane crash in Thailand. And I haven´t thought about that little town in ages, let alone written about it. And now it´s in my blog two days in a row... both time realted to a deadly crash.

I know travelling by plane is really safe, compared to cars. But when things go wrong you have no control of the situation. This crash in Thailand was on the runway, at the airport! I always thought that it would be kind of safe to crash on the asphalt at the airport, but no.

Another sad day.

Other than thinking about people dying I´ve been busy trying to make sense out of this movie...

Fast det sker ju roliga saker också.
Grattis på födelsedan Stina! Hade varit ngt att äta gräddtårta i Ume.

New episode of Prison Break today too! Which does pale in comparion to the Family Guy / Star Wars episode that´s on tv this sunday! Here´s a glimse of it:


Saturday, September 15, 2007

Colin McRae died today..

I got the very sad news today and although I´ve only met Colin once I know that my rally friends and my boss thought very highly of him.

This summer he told me about his driving school in Åre Sweden and we exchanged a few words about swedish car tesing centers (I´m impressed when someone knows where I´m from and how to pronounce Arvidsjaur).
What seemed like a casual conversation will now be
one I´ll remember forever.

I was filming rally from a helicopter only days ago... strange feeling...

He was only 39 years old.

My thoughts go out to his family and friends, especially his wife and daughter.

This is Colin with DC rally drivers Travis Pastrana and Ken Block.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New Zealand September 2007

I just got back to LA today after a 8 day trip to Wanaka New Zealand. And yes I will shave soon. Haven´t had the time to, that´s all.

The guy at customs thought it was awesome that I filmed snowboarding for a living. Odd. He´s like a 60 year old dude who asked if I was down with Tony Hawk and Shaun White! I´m like .. yeah.. Ok, cool! Hahaha.

I could never imagine that being a skater or a snowboarder would get that much recognition. Never.

We worked hard and slept very little. It was a unique shoot. I dropped of 90 min of film today that I´m transfering tomorrow.

I also have some new footage from Chile at home in Encinitas. The next few days should be hectic, very hectic.

Here are some pics from the trip:
(I´m to tired to write captions)

If you look really close you can see the Syndey Opera house.
The showers at this lounge were awesome. Dual showerheads and soooo steamy. Built out of some fancy black rock.. Any airport lounge outside the US makes Red Carpet Club look like a Greyhound bus station. They suck. I never go in there. No internet, no free drinks, no shower, no food. What´s the purpose of an airport lounge if you don´t have that?

This dude made 10$ to take off my snowboard boots. So worth it. I hate taking them off.

The arcitecture in NZ is pretty sick. These houses was just normal houses on our block. Why can´t more people embrace this style of homes? Houses here in Cali looks like crap. I guess it´s good though, it will make my house stick out more, when I build one (which seems to take until 2018).

The driver of this Ford F-450 is obviously handicapped, I mean he´s got the license plate. I recall the driver being very fit and not having any issues walking at all. At least he can park right next to the entrence to the grocery store in his truck that get´s 10 miles to the gallon. That´s about 4 km per liter.