This is a pic from the DC store in NYC. It´s in a sweet part of town called SOHO. Lots of cool shops here. I help shoot an interview for a DC "Artist Project". I´ll post a link when DC posts the video.

This is where I filmed the snowboard contest from. It was super cold outside, and crowded. So I figured posting up inside of the bookstore would be a good plan. And it was. Met a random friend at the coffee shop on the level under me. So random.

My filming style.

Eddie Wall won the contest, so that was awesome. He won a bunch of money and we had a tasty dinner afterwards.

A view toards Central Park

A view towards south Manhattan.

Me getting drunk. We got late to this dumb bar where a lot of my friends were. We stood outside freezing for like an hour to get it. Stupid bitch for a bouncer.

Once we were in it was fun.

The pond/lake in Central Park.

The lobby of the Guggenheim museum.

Got to see a Rangers game. Scalped tickets for 20$ a piece, good deal.
it was a good game. They won over Tampa with like 5-0. Henrik got MVP, so that was cool.

Times Square.

Me and Stina.

No 1. Famous painting. Lame art, but cool to see though. NYC has lots of art. I love art.


Ground Zero. 5 1/2 years after the attack. Still a lot to do there.
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