Had a somewhat productive day. Three of the snowboarders came by and looked at some edits.
My friend Ryan (who normally does motion graphics at DC) has joined me and Jake in out final stages of finishing the movie.
So, that´s mostly whats happened....
Some stuff happened on my youtube today too...
I put up a teaser for a movie I did in 2004. It was for Robot Food´s "Afterlame".
I used a Pennywise song for the teaser cause I was really into snowboard movies like "Road Kill", "Project 6" etc at the time.
Then today I read a comment about it... haha.
This kid thought it was the dumbest idea ever to re edit a "great snowboard video " into on that had my shitty taste in music.
Well, there was actually two kids who hated on it.
They were toally bummed that I had ruined a great movie..
I bow and say thank you for liking my movies. I giggle to the fact that you told me the teaser for this movie sucked.
I was amused by their comments, to say the least.

He he

I made this clip of my boss Ken a few months ago. Maybe it was last year... I don´t know. Anyway.. it just became a millionare. That´s right. Over 1.000.000 views. If I only had a dime for every time someone saw it... Then I´d build a house.

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