About 90 people died.
At least two swedes died. One was a 19 year old girl from Arvidsjaur (small city close to where I grew up, about 5000 in population). Which kind of freaked me out.
In the last post I mentioned that Colin McRae knew where Arvidjaur was and how to pronounce it.
And then today a girl from Arvidsjaur dies in a plane crash in Thailand. And I haven´t thought about that little town in ages, let alone written about it. And now it´s in my blog two days in a row... both time realted to a deadly crash.
I know travelling by plane is really safe, compared to cars. But when things go wrong you have no control of the situation. This crash in Thailand was on the runway, at the airport! I always thought that it would be kind of safe to crash on the asphalt at the airport, but no.
Another sad day.
Other than thinking about people dying I´ve been busy trying to make sense out of this movie...
Fast det sker ju roliga saker också.
Grattis på födelsedan Stina! Hade varit ngt att äta gräddtårta i Ume.

New episode of Prison Break today too! Which does pale in comparion to the Family Guy / Star Wars episode that´s on tv this sunday! Here´s a glimse of it:
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