National Day Oslo - May 17 2009 from pierretube on Vimeo.
I also went there to watch the DC (Norway) skate video Delta Charlie.
The DC crew in Norway does such a great job with the brand over there, it´s next level. And they´ve done so for years.
The film was good. Good skating, nice creative finesseful editing and filming.
Here´s the trailer for it:

They premiered it at one of the biggest (if not the biggest) theater in Oslo. How they manage to (almost) fill that place with a skate video with only Norwegians in it is a great feat.

Never expect your Visa card to work in Norway just because they say they take Visa.
What they mean to say is that they take norwegian Visa, not yours. It's been like that for over a decade so I'm not counting on it changing anytime soon.
They do have photo ID on their Visa cards though, we could learn from that.

Mads Jonsson had a huge breakfast (or lunch.. or brunch?..) get together at his place on the morning of the 17th. Great food and a lot of cheerful folks.

The Oslo Opera House is a very impressive piece of architecture. Next time I go to Oslo I´ll take some proper photos of it )and not forget the camera when you wake up 20 min before you need to get on the bus..)
Read up on it here:

So inlines are allowed?

Thank you Thomas, Arvid, Ola, Andreas, Mads, Jörn and co for a great day and a half in Oslo.
Yahhhhhh, i was fortunate enough to spend the 17th of May hosted by Mads a couple of years ago, best day on earth still!
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