www.aftonbladet.se/nojesliv/musik/article2297021.ab (in swedish)
Swedish artist Andreas Lundstedt just got denied on his visa application because he is hiv positive.
He was going to NYC to play with his band Alcazar and apparently you have to apply for a visa when you want to enter the Us if you have hiv.
This "law" is against the United Nation´s guidelines, but since when does the Us care about the UN?
More info on the Us policies:
What about americans with hiv, should they be placed under house arrest?
For Magic Johnson that shouldn't be a problem. He can just buy Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch and chill out.
So I guess Andreas and others with hiv won't be visiting the land of the free and home of the brave anytime soon.
And apparently Russia and China doesn´t allow hiv positive visitors either.
But then again China are well known for their liberal acts...
And America for it´s classy leaders.

I on the other hand plan on heading over there (Us, not China) this week... I've never been known to plan too far ahead. Pretty safe to say I haven't bought a transatlantic trip with more than 5 days notice ever. Or any trip for that matter. My adolescent mind just won't allow me to grow up and plan ahead.
So this weekend you can bet your bottom dollar on me eating mexican food for breakfast, lunch and dinner in southern California.
Oh and the resort I was hating on in Vännäs/ Umeå that had closed for the season only to let some elitist skiing parents+offsprings ride the lift are having sessions for the snowboarders as we speak.
Well it's not the resort so much who are putting it on. Snowboarders built the jumps with their equipment, invited the riders and the photographers. And the sun is shining so be on the look out for some sweet pics from Vännäs.
This past weekend was spent in Piteå. Had a 30 year anniversary bash, it was fun. I wore a shirt! Some had tuxedos, but to me a shirt is like wearing a tux.
In other news...
Mikael Renberg (one of Sweden´s best players) is retiring from hockey. At 36 he´s calling it quits. Troubling groins and other injuries being the main reason for retirement.
For some reason this wasn´t the biggest headline on the local news site in Skellefteå, where he played his last season.
He will be missed. Maybe not the bitter people in Luleå will miss seeing him score against their team, but I will.

Now I´m heading out in the sun again.
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