Teh doctors also told be to stop using the neckbrace. Well, use it less I guess. The muscles need to move around I guess. My head is still stiff, but it was the doctors orders. No lifting or carrying for at least a month though :(
When I wasn´t doing that I was doing this:
Checked out some blu-ray films at the Sony store. Pretty crisp quality.

Found this sweet Adidas thing in swedish colors. Almost bought it, but xxl is a little too big.

The studio I sit in and transfer footage.

Hjalle wanted to grab some food last night, so we stopped at Jack In The Box. It was in a ghetto area, weird people there. Like this old woman sleeping in a corner at 23.00.
I ate Mc Donalds (angus burger) and Taco Bell ealier that day. Eating for 10$ a day in LA is pretty good, I´m a cheap date.

Went to the WESC store today. They were nice enough to give me some sweet striped shirts.

Found some sweet Air Max sneakers, but they were kinda wild.

Here are some $ 4.500 shoes...

Lots of shoes. This was only a fraction though.

So across the street from where I work they record the Jay Leno show. And I had a few hours to kill so I got in line and got to sit in the front row of the crowd. They make all the people in the front go up and give high 5´s to Jay at the very begining of the show. So look for me in Sweden next friday (it already aired here yesterday). I´m the dude in a black hat and grey / white striped sweater.

My "work" is at the glass house in the background.

Funny mailbox.

This was a rare moment. The three movies I made from 2001-2003 in my hand at the same time. A trilogy box would be nice.


View from Hjalle´s driveway.

Drove around the freeways in Burbank / Hollywood. Look where I ended up.


Beach at Hjalle´s.

A Mercedes McLaren outside of the WESC store. It´s a nice fast car.

This is the mini-ramp at a skate shop called Brooklyn Projects in Hollywood. The people who work there have nice cars...

GPS navigation has changed my life. It helps when you have a broken neck and you´re in LA traffic. But I had Hjalle drive me around all day.

Hjalle´s view this morning. Cloudy and cold...

1 comment:
Hey Pierre, do you know where you can still get hold of a copy of Afterbang? Quite a few friends/people have asked about it - and it seems pretty hard to find these days... cheers
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