Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Maybe this time..

I see that there are still almost 100 people (or spam computers) visiting this blog daily. Even though I haven't posted anything in about 18 months, or maybe a handful of times in the past 2-3 years.. Since I flood my Facebook friends with links and stuff it seemed like a good idea to start posting here again where it doesn't bother people. If you like out planet and space things I encourage you to watch this. It's 20 min and it's awesome.

OVERVIEW from Planetary Collective on Vimeo.


  1. Yes! Jag la precis ner facebook for good, och det enda jag tänkte jag skulle sakna va en del av dina inlägg. Som av en slump tittade jag in här för ca en vecka sen... Kör hårt!
