I didn´t check my email for a few hours and was quite surprised when I had 400 unread emails, funny.

One where my boss jumps his car that has about 17.000.000 I think, the last segment from Mtn Lab 1.5 has a few million hits too and then there are a few teasers that are around 2-300.000.
But this MJ clip did pretty good too.
Most viewed clip in Sweden today an number 8 on Youtube global favorite list. Not too shabby.
Plus the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet had over 33.000 hits on their version this moring that they stole (ripped the video) and used as if they shot it, with logo and everything. They have a nice little letter from my lawyer coming their way on Monday.
It´s pretty weird that whoever did PR for this hired photographers and filmers to shoot it and distribute it on Youtube. But they still haven´t managed to make a clip. And they had Monster Energy Drink sponsor it to pay for the filmers etc... Seems to me like someone should be fired. And Monster can contact me if they want to have their logo on the clip so they get some return on their investment.
http://viralvideochart.unrulymedia.com have the clip listed as #4 today. Beating Michael´s daughters tearful goodbuy and Larry King´s clip with the "ghost".
Perez Hilton contributed with over 80.000 views today as well, plus it the most emailed link from his site.
Internet, powerful shit.

Snyggt jobbat. Gotta love the internet. Och, som sagt, kanske ett av mina mer onödiga blogginlägg: http://bit.ly/Z1rzp
Man thats pretty impressive. There are people who make their living as "Viral Marketing Specialists" who can't even come close to getting as many views on their stuff.
Kan bara hålla med. Snyggt jobbat! Och Bounce och alla medverkande var givetvis fantastiska och ska ha något sort guldägg om inte alla nästa år.
Riktigt kul! Hoppas du får bra betalt från Norge :)
Man kan ju tycka att en så pass stor mediakanal inte skulle försöka en sådan grej, riktigt korkat. De bör ju känna till vad som kan hända.
Håller med om att det är ett dåligt jobb från de inhyrda filmarna, du har ju redan tagit all glory för hela grejen. När de väl publicerar nåt är det ju redan gammalt som gatan....
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