It´s really amazing, especially since he´s more or less laughed at by big guns like Arthur Laffer (Reagan´s financial advisor and investor) and Ben Stein (political and economical celebrity).
I love when Ben is suggesting to buy Merril Lynch stock at the "might as well give them away in a cereal box" bargain price of $76.04.
They were worth $9.60 today (even down 16% from yesterday).

Or Charles from best pick for 2008 - Washington Mutual
(one of America´s largest banks) at the bargain price of $13.07 at the end of 2007.
Today it was worth $0.039... wow.

I´d like to put these words in Peter Schiff´s mouth:
- "I told you so"
INSANITY! Funny how all the people who had something to lose (brokers) talked boom. My high-school education has served me better than these morons. I sold my house 2 years ago, and eliminated all debt 3 months ago knowing full well that all the stupid decisions in the market were going to lead to this. Get a grip America...and actually LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS!
sorry for the rant...
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