Lift tickets are 9 euros, that´s cheap. It´s pretty weird here that you can ride the local mtn for 13$ a day (compare to a small hill in the US @ 40$), gas cost close to 9$/gallon (compare to just over 3$/gallon in the US) and then there´s the booze prices. A drink at a bar in the US is prolly around 5$, here count on 18$. Sweet. Oh and I just bought avocados here, they are cheaper than in San Diego... where they grow on trees, literally.

I haven´t been on alpine skiing since 1989 and cross country skiing since 1995. Today I strapped in and took a short trip with mom on the ice.

My friend Peter and I had a minishred today too. Some massive airs were documented. You could catch air three times per run.

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