We had this sweet house that we applied for, but the dude said he found a person with a higher credit score than Jake´s (rommate and co-editor/filmer for the next DC movie).
For people outside the US who doesn´t know what a credit score is:
It´s a number that the credit bureau gives you. The number depends on your ability to loan money and pay it back (being late to pay your phone, gas, elctric bills etc can matter too). So the more credit cards and loans you have and if you paid them on time the higher the credit score.
Pretty strange system when you´re born and raised to never borrow money unless you really need too.. so now you know what that is.
I don´t have a credit score yet so I have DC Shoes credit application, but that wasn´t enough either... He basically didn´t like me, that´s what I think anyway. And I don´t handle rejection very well... I just can´t accept to come in second place, expecially over a matter of being able to rent a house!
So this has really been bothering me for the last 36 hours.
Two days ago me and Jake went to LA to transfer some more film. It was a long day, drive there 2.5 hours, transfer 5 hours and then drive back 2.5 hours. Got to bed at 2.30 am maybe, and then up at 7.30 to drive around and look for houses...
Me and Jake went to Kwik E Mart in LA the other day. It was pretty interesting. To hype the Simpsons movie they have dressed up a few 7-11´s so it looks like Apu´s store. They sell Krusty O´s, Buzz cola and Squishies. At www.simpsonsmovie.com/main.html you can make your own Simpson character.

So yesterday I drove probably close to 200 miles/300 km looking for "For Rent" signs. I found a cool place, but then got denied later in the afternoon... someone else wanted to rent it for 12 months.. I was only commited to 6... when is my bad luck going to end? It´s hard to stay positive.

So another 11 hours in the car yesterday, not good for my back.

Here are some older pics from my cell phone:


TWO! SE Racing PK Ripper´s! They were in Damon´s (co-founder of DC) office. I want one.
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