Monday, August 14, 2006

This blog layout is a joke

How the fuck do you lay shit out here and make it look decent?! I think doesn´t like my web browser or some thing...

Saw the new Will Ferrell movie today, thanks Todd for suggesting it. It was sweet. I love Will Ferrell. Pretty sweet to see the old "Night Hawk" Jack Killian (Gary Cole) as the dad. I watched that show (Midnight Caller) too much in the 90´s.

The dude selling me the ticket, I think his name was P Wilson, was an idiot. Hope he loses his digital camera too.


  1. hello blogger/ikki

  2. Oi Pierre!
    Blogger huh? So damn mainstream...
    Ledsen för kameran dock, håll oss underrättade om hur du har det..p:z out!

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