So instead of driving in traffic I hung out with my friend Hjalmar in LA before heading down to SD. He´s moving out of his pad next week so it was a little messy and Ingemar was staying there as well, so his stuff was also all over the place. Since he plays poker a lot he´s got this weird thing called a PC, looks like a computer, but it doesn´t have an apple on it... I don´t know.., seems to work for gambling.
Hjalmar also uses his laptizzie as a gps/navigation device, it that new school or isn´t it? I don´t know.
I like tacky stuff, but Hjalmar has got me beat I thing. He´s got some classy stuff in his crib. And his landlord thought it was a good idea to put carpet all around his toilet... americans love their carpet, but I know my aim is sometimes slightly of sometimes and I wouldn´t wanna pee on my carpet too much.
I got a sweet snowboard from Simon too, thanks dogbreath.
Oh and now at some sweet lounge (hey Eddie please bring me some vodka!) at the Air New Zealand wing of the LAX airport. I´m with Eddie Wall, Simon Chamberlain, Spring Break Jake, Sean "I´m in business class" Lake, Nate "I´m also in busniess class" and Todd Richards is roaming around the terminal somewhere.
It was pretty sweet to ride a limo to the airport, that don´t happen too often.
I have a bunch of skate videos so I should be good for this 13 hour flight. My back will love it. And PSP and some other gadgets. Damn this is a long flight!
Oh and my fav swede also left today. Safe travels Stina.