Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tricks and people who can´t name them.

When did this become a fakie hardway backside 180?

Posted that image (from the new Snowboarder Mag issue) on my FB today.
Since then a bunch of old men have commented on it. Please join.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


I'm a born winner. No, just kidding. But I was part of the winning team in this years Transworld Shoot Out video/photo contest.
New TW issue just downloaded from with Salomon's Jed Anderson on the cover.
Congrats to Bob Plumb (The Lizard Queen) on the cover!

Check for video coming soon!

Last year I did the DC one. It was not the greatest, but we had a pretty fun week and that's what counts in my book.
Every Swede is raised my the motto: it's the participating that counts. Whereas other cultures tend to only count gold medals.

Friday, July 23, 2010

My 1000'd post!

I know I've been lagging on posting good stuff on here for the past months... sorry. My stats are waaaay down. 500-600 peeps used to visit me every day, now the stats are down to about what an average Swedish 15 year blogger who lives in a town of 8,000 people...

But between getting Video Hyper Shred on track again and working on getting traffic towards Spatziba while contributing to the Swedish economy by drinking a lot this blog got the short straw.. pretty sure that will change once I get a routine going.

So for my 1000'd post.. what is worthy?
I'll tell you what's worthy. Per-Hampus' new edit from Mt Hood. Great shredding and sweet editing. Enjoy.

Monday, July 12, 2010

I wonder who will finance Mel Gibsnon's next movie..

I'm guessing not African Americans.

"You look like a bitch in heat and if you get raped by a pack of nig***s it'll be your fault".

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Shaun is cutting his hair?!

I´d like your input on this..
Please help Shaun come up with a way to trim his red lion´s mane.

Check out some suggestions over at Spatziba.

What will the people at Wendy´s say?

Monday, July 05, 2010

Thursday, July 01, 2010