Thursday, December 31, 2009

Some things that can make 2010 a better year.

More of this:

And less of this:

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Saw Avatar.

In case you don´t know what I´m talking about here´s the trailer:

I liked it. I didn´t know what to expect. If they would have toned down the Hollywood stuff like last sec explosions and stuff it would have gotten 8/10. But a solid 7/10, fo sho. I wouldn´t want to watch it in VLC though.

The story was good. The effects were too much.

I suspect the US Army aren´t too thrilled over the portrayal of soldiers in the movie, but I don´t feel it´s exaggerated to say that if you recruited money hungry American soldiers this could be what you end up with. Easy to manipulate and little free will.

The natives on the other hand are more like free spirited surfers, kind of.

For another great fairy tale, here´s a 5 min clip on how Family Guy tackles the Bible fairy tale:

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Todd turned 40.

The infamous Todd Brandt Richards turned 40 yesterday.

He´s been ripping the board of snow for a living since the mid 80´s and he´s an inspiration for still being an active shredder and not being old at heart.

Hope you had a great birthday at the Pannakin.

Here´s some words by Todd:

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Clip from Riksgränsen.

Riksgränsen is about 5 hours north of where I grew up and I´ve been there almost every year since 1994 when the legendary 55DSL contest happened.

Here´s a sweet clip from the Pirates film collective. Enjoy.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

This could´ve been a segment in a DC movie.

I thought about doing a teaser or intro to a DC movie to this song.
Imagine Iikka cutting down the tree, Lauri making egg nog, Devun decorating and Biittner cooking food at the Mtn Lab.. in custom ugly sweaters by DC (,aybe even a limited run!)

But that didn´t happen and will probably never happen. But the idea still lives on in my imagination.

We could also host a Sundance Film Festival party there.. with similar theme.. oh well..

The original is pretty sick though, enjoy:

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

22 min with Noah Salasnek.

This is insane. Great snowboard history!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

New Ken Block clip.

Well it´s a remix of the original Gymkhana 2 video.

Ken gave the footage to some dudes who get very weird in After Effects. Here´s 5 minutes of remixed Gymkhana clips:

Torsteins run from the Dew Tour yesterday.

He got like 5th or something yesterday with this run. It was a little sketchier but he had to go last and the light was horrible by then.
I´m not a fan of contests, especially when the fucking commentators can´t call the tricks. It´s so embarrassing, stupid tools.

But here´s what Torstein can do in a run:

And yes, Chas is pretty competitive.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Please watch this 3.5 min short film.

I saw this last year at the Gothenburg film festival and had read about it but didn´t know what to expect.

Now everyone can see it.

3.5 min of good filmmaking, involving skateboarding, church, slow mo and 35mm film. Not lame.

There´s no embedding option so here´s the link:

You can watch a behind the scenes video here:

New creative 30 sec clip from DVS.

Check it out here:

Friday, December 18, 2009

Boaring with Bjorn, Marius, Dirksen and co.

A backcountry hut, guns, booze and a dozen dudes. Goes like this:

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Cops, piles of shit. Especially American ones.

Portland skaters get beaten by cops:

Seattle cops beat down a teenage girl. Fuck cops. I hope they grind their teeth of until they hit the gums.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My new gig in front of the camera.

Makia is a clothing brand from Finland. One of the founders is Joni Malmi who´s one of the first pro´s I started filming with.

The Makia creative dude Totti took photographer Kimmo with him and then they travelled around the world in 28 days and shot over 30 people ( I think) wearing Makia stuff for their upcoming catalogue. Why? Probably because they love hassling with over weight bags and sleep in coach seats on smelly planes, or maybe not.

Photo by Kimmo Syväri.

So they chose me to be one of the models. As usual I was having a bad hair day, but who cares?

Here´s a sneak peek of some of the clothing / people.

Check out Makia´s stuff here:

New snow season at VBS.

Here´s the first clip of this seasons "Powder & Rails".

It´s a 30 min documentary about / with Shawn Farmer. I really liked it.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Here´s a lo fi version of the Carroll clip.

Like I mentioned earlier I´d been thinking about doing something like Carroll´s clip for a while, but might never do now.

Here´s a very lo fi version of one of the two shots I had in mind.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Found a clip I made on Youtube.

Well not really. I made the clip for DC´s Mtn Lab movie in 2005 and I haven´t seen any clips from that movie with more than 100.000 views or something.
But this clip, which someone raped and put horrible (unless you are a Volcom stoner) jazz tunes to has 730.00 views. Incredible.
Kind of funny how at least 730.000 people have seen this clip, but only about 200.000 has seen the original version ( including 100.000 Youtube views).

Why change the song? Why put it the effort? And why this it have 730.000 views? 73 views would make more sense.
I read the comments and people like it..

Gees, no wonder I´m unemployed. I obviously don´t know what´s good anymore.... kidding, I do.

People are such morons.
What´s up with every other comment on clips on Youtube being "What´s the song?"
Fucking morons, in 90% of the cases it´s spelled out at the start or the end of the clip. The other 10% of the time it´s in the description. Fuck people, grow a fucking brain.
And I worry about changing an edit to another song until I get an ulcer.. then I spend 20 hours re-editing and always feel like I raped the original version. And then this dude completely lays down a new tune on it in 10 sec and people love it?!

And to the hundreds of thousands who think the dude who uploaded this clip made it, are you that stupid? I guess so.. I can´t wait for the lizards from V to come and eat this sorry excuse for a species. As long as they eat the stupid ones first. Then the ones who doesn´t believe us humans are an evolving species. Then they can eat me.

Here´s the original version, for those of you who care (not my upload):

So why do I care? I just have very little faith in humanity and people on Youtube. It´s scary.
Am I bitter? Not really. Just sucks to see something you made get raped. Since people still like the raped version it makes me think why me, the riders, the brands and the musicians involved in creating the original piece even bother.

Here are some of the 600 comments:

mellowest fucking music ever...fits perfictally to the vid!

the song fits teh video perfectly

the best video with the best musi i have ever seen. man it makes me so relaksed.

sick video and the music was pretty tight to go along with this video, didn't mind it. It was actually pretty good music..sweet video

fuckin sick. Its gonna be a kick ass season. too fuckin stoked. I'm watchin this shit all day every day

did u guys learn those tricks by yourself???? or did u take leasons???

love the music

sweet video AND sweet music

sick song so chill

Awesome jumps and flips!!!

yo wats the name of the song?!?

this video with its music represents what snowboarding is about - just one of the best videos on youtube !!!! AWESOME !!!!

awesome! great music, much respect dudes

whats the song called?

What kind of boards are they all riding?

Nice video. Great song.

this video is great!
where can i download this song? :$ :)

im so sad i cant find the sone on itunes :(

by far the best freestyle snowboarding video on youtube.

Great job off the video guys i really like it :)

hey whats the name of the song ? And where was the video made ?

whats the name of the music track used in this video?

Awesome...looks soooo difficult to cool. I just wish somebody would give the name of the tune!!!!!!!!!!!!!

exellent music made by japanees trip hop master ! if you need music for your video you can checks on my label

Whats the name of the song under the video?

This.. Is one of the best videos I've ever watched!

one of the dopest snowboard vids i ever saw!!! incredible riders, fuckin stylish tricks, cool musik!!!!

amazing video!
and how is the song caled?

great video and perfect music!

Im a skier but i have to say this is one sweet video. The music makes it so good and some of the photography ooooooooo Fiiinnnneee.

what is this song called ? ( : so dope !

Great Video! Getting me pumped for winter and the music is perfect.

this video is sick, I like how it has backcountry, park, and crazy ass random freestyle tricks that mesh super good with the mellow music. sick video

SIIIIIIICK video, can anyone tell me the song please??

Could anyone tell me the name of the song plese:)

this song is F-R-E-S-H

hey, what song artist is this?

wicked video and really sweet music.
what music is this???

what mt is this? it loooks familiar

Great vid!
well chosen song!

travis parker??? thought it was barker

great vid, love the track too.

one the best 5 minutes i spend on youtube

the music is sick dude, up the culture level, Vid is one of the best. Front flip at beginning was perfect

Guys these guys are epik, so really I love rock to man but it was actually pretty cool what they did with the music, props to them.

nice track, who is it by?.... bit like bonobo!

whati is this song ????

For anybody who's interested, I'm making a video this year. Might not turn out as good as this one though. Anybody who wants to see themselves in a video can send one in.

Love the video, love their skills, love the music... Id give ten stars if I could!

what song is this, its actually really good =P

really good. what is the name of song..?!

whats the name of the song please ?!

What's the song's name??

were is that filmed

The Music couldn't Be better!
Nice Choice!
Nice Jazz!!!!

who is artist of these song ?

really nice video and awsome music, relaxing too travis parker is the man!

Just watched the last part in the Max Schaaf VBS series.

It was a really good series.

Here´s the 4th and last part. But feel free to check out the first three too.

I love VBS.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Jussi edited some videos.

Jussi started to blog a while back and he´s doing a good job updating it.
He´s also edited two videos, but his embedding and compression skills aren´t that great, yet.
I´ll let him know how do compress better, the quality is pretty shitty but I still liked the clips.

I filmed this skating one with his point and shoot camera at one of our favorite school yards in San Diego.
Jussi can bring his kid/kids there too. They run around with toys while the 30 year old play too.

And in case you didn´t notice. Both Jussi and Iikka skate goofy footed and snowboard regular... weirdos.

And here´s a clip starring Jussi, Iikka, Lauri and Devun from Park City.

park city from jussi oksanen on Vimeo.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Who has fun jobs that I can contribute to?

Like I wrote last December I'm always looking for fun things to work on.

I'm pretty good at blogging, filming people on boards, editing together clips of people who ride boards, dictating what's cool and what's lame, travelling, point and shoot photography, starting mexican fast food restaurants in Sweden, sleeping, browsing the internet and other things I rather not brag about.

I can also film other things.. like musicians, houses, cars, trees, moose etc. So keep me in mind if you need my services.

If anyone has a job where I can shoot photos with my Lomo I'll work for pennies.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

New season of snowboard history on

Here´s the Jeff Brushie story from last season. Keep an eye out for my face and my "diss" on Terje at 1:22

Monday, December 07, 2009

Greg Hunt has a website.

Gregory is prolly one of the most talented skateboard filmmakers out there.

In case you don´t know who he is you need to check out his website. No fancy flash, straight up clean layout. Very easy to navigate through.
And if you know of his work you should still browse through it for a bit.

Directors reel (with the nicely made Devine commerical that hasn´t been seen by many).
Skate reel, with Cardiel, Way and Kirchart video parts.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Transworld made room for an interview with me.

You can find it here:

Pretty exited about the 671 people who've read it so far, haha.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Air & Style.

I used to go to this contest for years. I might have been to 6-7 of them? My first one was around 1996 I think.

It was always a good time to see my friends win a lot of money.

Today Marko Grilc won and I'm totally exited for him. Andreas Wiig got third place. I only caught the every end of the broadcast so I don't know what happened during the contest.
What I do know is that I wish David Benedek would have entered again and won with the trick he did a couple of years ago. Fs 1260 double dip.

Here's Marko's and Andreas' tricks from tonight. Congratulations guys.

Friday, December 04, 2009

This ad was in the new issue of Snowboarder or TWS.

I was blown away with this ad. I mean it´s 2009, who made this shit?
The layout is from 1996.

Embarrassing to say the least.

Another idea I had where Lakai beat me to it.

My vision was a closer angle, but same idea. Camera spins with the board. Even if this camera spin was done in post they still beat me to it.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Laugh or cry?

So my least favorite car makes a commercial with two skaters, in downtown LA.
I wasn´t sure if this was a joke, a serious commercial or some clip the students at Chapman were working on.
Apparently it´s a very serious piece with a serious budget.

The director seems like such an LA coke head with really bad skate knowledge and vocabulary. Sure he might not be what I´m stereotyping him as, but he seems like one.

What´s up with the iMovie super8 filter they are using? The angles are like beyond lame. Fuck he can´t even get the car to move around well. Looks like they have the handbreak on coming up the parking garage.
And the editing.. oh gees.. mirroring skate tricks is pretty lame too. But then again, only 0.0000001% of the people who watch this crap will notice/care about that.

Who likes this? I mean the car looks bad as it is, Jake´s and Pat´s skating looks pretty lame (even though they are very talented) and the camera, editing, and post production is horrible.

Hint to Ford. Give me a call next time. I´ll spend half your money, make your product look twice as good and save you from another failed commercial.

Here´s the behind the scenes clip:

It´s shit like this that keeps me wondering what I´m doing with my life. Why aren´t I making commercials that makes the company look good. It´s pretty apparent that they don´t want to look good.

Guess what I´ll be watching on Dec 23rd when I wake up..

Can´t wait, or maybe I should wait until I can buy it on dvd in Europe on January 27th.. NOT.

I was wrong.

Even though I thought it was definitely a possibility I didn´t want to believe that Shaun would dress up as the Wendy's Hamburger girl for Halloween and show the photo on all the talk shows claiming he didn't want Tony Hawk coming over to his party to Twitter a photo..

But Tony did come over and posted this photo on his Twitter.

And yes, the outfit was good. But if it was to make money of Wendy's it was imho a really lame idea.
Apparently Wendy's were already sponsoring Shaun's video game and had logo placements in it.
And I think it's cool that Shaun goes to Leno, Letterman etc and plugs his video games and stuff. But I don't think it's cool to plug Wendy's like it was a spur of the moment costume that just happened to spread like Swine Flu and conveniently made it onto prime time tv when it was a planned marketing strategy.

Now I'm sure Shaun and his entourage made some sweet dollars from this and good for them, but I still think it was a lame move. And yes I know, my opinion doesn't matter to about 99.999999999999% of the people who buy Shauns game, snowboards, clothing etc.
He's going to win the Olympics and everyone at Wendy's will be happy.

Who knows.. maybe Wendy's will have a flying tomato on their menu soon.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Back in business.

After a week or two of strep throat, swollen tonsils and lymph nodes + some other illness I rather not share I´m in Sweden.

No more beach or big city living. This is small town mellowness. So far I haven´t done much.. did see the dentist a doctor and slept., a lot, just at the wrong times. Waking up at 3-4 in the morning and sleeping from dinner isn´t all that great.
My little stop over in Reykjavik this past weekend was kind of similar, except going out clubbing at midnight and going to bed at 6 in the morning. But I was there for two days and I didn´t see daylight.. I did have a midnight dinner at Domino´s and a breakfast-lunch-dinner at Taco Bell, which was tasty, especially considering I´ve eaten a lot of airport food lately.

Even if it was for just 48 hours, I did have a fun time in Reykjavik. It´s a nice city, filled with nice people.

Röyksopp concert. Best band in recent years. Love them.

Macy´s have this huge Thanksgiving parade every year. Millions of people stand around for hours watching huge balloons and d-list celebrities / musicians wave to the people.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Empire State Building, very NYC.

This is an area by Chelsea. Old train tracks / bridges have been converted into pedestrian walkways. Pretty nice.. I fell asleep on one of the beds. Very relaxing.

The Friday after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday. It´s like a huge ass sale. Here are some people waiting in line outside an electronic store at midnight. The store opens at 6 in tne morning.

Made it only the flight to Iceland. Even with a few kilos of overweight.. fuck I hate airlines and their baggage restrictions.