Friday, October 30, 2009

Project X.

Project X might be the best / worst name for this project, or any for that matter. But since most of this world doesn't agree with me I guess it's a very fitting name for the endemic Americans out there who loves Nos energy drinks, Ford Mustangs, Papa Roach, NFL football, Black Flys sunglasses and X-Games.

Watch Shaun invent new pipe tricks at his private Red Bull half pipe. Did anyone say recession?

Foam pit being built:

Double flips:

Since Shaun unveiled his new double flips there are 5-10 people who can do them. I'm assuming they didn't have personal pipes with foam pits. But that's usually how it goes. Someone has to be the first one, then people know it's possible and before you know it it's the norm. Just look at backflips on moto bikes and snowmobiles.

I'm betting my money on Shaun winning the olympics. But since the odds of him winning will be 1 to 1.0000002 I won't bet.

I almost puked.

After watching this "funny" clip.

Icelandic music on my mind.

Been listening a lot to this. You should too.

I couldn´t embed the original version, so you´ll have to do with a live version.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Been in southern California for a bit. Catching up with friends, consuming, watched NHL hockey, eating Mexican food, seen giraffes, enjoying the weather and skating a little.

Today I went on a nice 1.5 hour hike in Palos Verdes. It was one of the most scenic hikes I´ve ever gone on. You have a great view of Catalina Island and the Pacific. Highly recommend it if you´re ever in the southern parts of LA.

I also got a new Lomo camera, a Diana Mini. It shoots 72 photos on a normal 35mm 36 exposure roll.
Here are some pictures from my first roll:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Why do these people attempt such a dumb thing and they are fine. I hang out by a jump and break my neck?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Nicest guy in skateboarding?

I think Theotis Beasley seems like one hell of a nice guy.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Transworld posted the intro from Mtn Lab 1.5.

This is the intro to Mtn Lab 1.5 (the latest full length movie I worked on).

I've always been a fan of old ski video's from the 80's. This was a tribute to them.

Riding are; Todd Richards, Iikka Bäckström, Lauri Heiskari, Eddie Wall, Torstein Horgmo, Chas Guldemond, Travis Parker, Aaron Biittner and Renee Renee.

Friday, October 23, 2009

New Windows 7 is out!

Hurry up and buy a Mac.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

This looks like an amazing trip.

A skate trip on the Transsiberian Railway.

From Moscow to Hong Kong in two months.

Danny Way.

Plan B has a dedicated their site to Danny´s 20 year anniversary as a pro skater.

They have 13 full video parts here:

I really recommend the "ON VIDEO" clip from 2000 for those who haven´t seen it.

Some super slow mo clips from this summers Norwegian Bromantic Vacation.

Edited by Henke. I filmed some of it, but have almost as much on camera time.

Diving faceplant, flying boogers, skate tricks and popping a bottle of bubbly.

More clips and photos here.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Seen it.

It was good, I´d lie if I said it was great. Go watch it.

A 13 minute chat with Lance Acord.

Lance has shot most of Spike´s music videos and feature films.
His work in Where The Wild Things Are is very nice.

In this clip he talks about how he got into filming, techniques, how they stayed away from computer generated shots for Where The Wild Things Are etc.. good stuff.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Convenient, for who?

This happens with airlines a lot. You book your flight online, and then when you´re about to pay it there is a $20 service fee?
What service fee? I just did all the work for you.

And with a movie ticket, come on? Sure it´s not expensive, but it´s annoying.

10% "convenience fee". They should be paying me for ordering it online.

Fuck the world.

NYC stuff.

Been strolling around the city a lot. Watched the Rangers beat Toronto, saw Sweden get taken out by the Danes for the South Africa World Cup, watched Kiss play some new really bad tunes and a few older ones, seen more art than I have in the past 12 months and gotten drunk more than I planned on, hung out with the Burton people, seen friends, some surprise ones, biked and skated around the city, ate great food, shot about 15 rolls of film (need to scan them..), consumed some clothing and camera stuff..

Saw Jake Burton and Spike Jonze within 24 hours. Totally fanned out.

Great city. Last weekend here, then San Diego and LA for a couple of weeks.