Friday, July 31, 2009

Insane skating at The Berrics

The karate kick kickflip, butter landing on the bs 270 out of the fs lip, 360 flip catch, early nollie big spin to bs lip catch and ss heel were really nice. The ss 360 flip was not shabby either.

This is Josiah, you may not know him now but you will some day:

Thursday, July 30, 2009

X-Games blog by Ken Block

Look here for an insight of his X-Games experience.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Funny ass comments

I laughed out loud while reading these comments between photographer Tim Zimmerman and a young shredder:

First review in, not good :)

This is by far the shittiest review I´ve ever gotten and it´s my pleasure to share it with you.

"DC was completely and entirely outclassed by the rest of the teams"
- The Editors at

I can´t help to enjoy this. Because now I´m actually stoked on the clip.

Sure I was apologetic to the team when the edit was done, but this was truly the best clip I could make with what I had to work with (not making excuses really, just stating the obvious).

The DC one was first, obviously :)

Here´s the full review of the TW Shoot Out clips from

This wasn´t typical when I was a teenage skater
But I didn´t grow up in California with a Sheckler tattoo on my shoulders.

Transworld Shoot Out

I just bought the show on itunes, $5.

You should too and see what Rome, Burton, Forum and us at DC did when we got to film at a resort for a week.

My thought behind the DC clip was that I wanted people to get stoked to ride. The type of clip you´d like to watch before heading to the mtn, or watch in the car driving up to the mtn.

Contrived, conceptual shoots is not my preference. Not that I´ve done one in a few years. I like documenting it, not orchestrating what the riders should do.

It looks like Rome had some real good stuff (what I saw from the photos) in the new Transworld which I got in my email inbox yesterday thanks to the very low price of $1,20 / issue with Zinio.

We had some other plans for the shoot, but thanks to annoying American laws and soft snow we couldn´t go through with it. So I was pretty bummed, as well as our photographer Andy Wright.

But instead of coming up with a new concept for the shoot I saw a great opportunity to get to shred with the team on a relaxed level.
I love taking runs with them in the public park and see what they can do on "normal" park features and the groomers. I know Biittner can slay handrails and urban jibs as much as Torstein can to back to back 1260´s on 120 foot jumps, but I don´t feel an urge to prove that to the kids out there. I rather show them how well they can actually snowboard, turning, buttering, playing in the half pipe etc..
Sure that might not win us this contest, but I feel that we won cause I had a fun week hanging out with them and I also wasn´t comfortable hitting the monster feature at night when it was freezing out, hell I wasn´t comfortable watching them hit it in the middle of the day.

And like a famous snowboarder said once:
"Last I checked I got paid to step it up, not live it up" (or similar).
I couldn´t disagree more. I rather document snowboarders who live it up and convey that feeling to the world than go out and only try and progress the acrobatic aerials some call snowboarding.

Our jump feature was built in a very bad spot for filming. There was no angle too shoot the whole thing from with one camera, so the tricks Torstein does at the end were sooooo much gnarlier than they look. It was one of the craziest things I´ve witnessed but I´ve made 40 foot jumps at Mt Hood look better. Sorry Torgmo.

This concept of making videos/clips has huge potential. The lame part about it is obviously the weather, which can put you on the couch for days. But also the costs.
I´d like to be able to sit down with some other filmers in the industry and I think we can evolve the "Shoot Out" concept that Transworld presented to us.
Cause we all know we´re not going to sell dvd´s anytime soon.


Monday, July 27, 2009

I´ve just seen the future.

If there ever was a time where I got to see what the future will be like this clip showed me it.

Spotify on your iphone. World peace seems to be the next logical step.

For you who aren´t familiar with Spotify or iphones, I´m sorry. They are the future.

How Apple allowed this I´m not quite certain.. I mean.. this application just killed their itunes store...
Now you´ll never need to own a mp3 file and therefor your playlists and music can never be deleted.
Let us hope that the sinking ship known as the music labels/publishers embrace Spotify and we can all live happily ever after (but mostly the Spotify founders).

Three minutes behind the scenes of Where The Wild Things Are

Absolute goose bumps.

Maurice Sendak (author/illustrator) and Spike Jonze (director) are a great match for this. You can tell this movie won't be lame.

"He's done it like me, but in a brilliant, modern, fantastical way. Which takes nothing away from my book, but enhanced and riches by book"
- Maurice about Spike's adaptation of his book.

Transworld Right Foot Forward review

It was similar to the other ones.

Still in 4:3, but with some cropped HD shots too. And quite a bit of film burn (yes, really) and glare effects.

I like the crew, very diverse. Both in skating and personality.

Some great shots, but the standard fast shutter speed, handheld and fish eye lens shots lets you know your defiantly watching a "skate video".

Kellen James has a sick ass ss fs bluntslide and well as some other creative tricks, plus a fakie flip that was reminiscent of a hybrid of Kris Markovich's fakie flips and Tyrone Olson's 360 flip.

Brezinski was super tech, as expected, with mega manual combos. I can´t help but to associate Joey with Ron Knigge, which a lot of people wouldn´t find very flattering.
The tune though.. my friends know I´m very into (or used to be) MGMT, but I can´t figure out if they used it (Time To Pretend) as a joke or not. Kind of like that AXE skate commercial. I was like 66.6% sure it was a joke, but it wasn´t. I guess Patrick O´Dell will have to make an episode about it. The MGMT song that is, but.. the AXE commercial is worth an Epicly Laterd too.
I remember a fs noseslide that was pretty sweet.., body varials out of manulas and other Daewon/Creager-ish combos.

Bobby Worrest part was very east coast heavy. Classic D.C spots, hip-hop tune and lines.
One line that struck me was a ss 360 flip up some stairs - fakie hardflip - ss 360 flip down stairs. Interesting.
He´s fun to watch, I like when people actually skateboard in videos. Even a small detail like the tiny ollie over a parking block after the fs nose into a bank feels great to see in the final edit.

Corey Duffel was never a favorite of mine but he sure can skate.

Matt Beach ends the video and he skates like he always has. I remember seeing him at a few European contests in 1996-97 and thinking he was really underrated.
When I lived in Portland I´d see him cruise around under the Hawthorne bridge every now and then.
It starts of with a bs hurricane on a hubba that was insanely well filmed.
Some of the lines were really good. He skates fast and without exaggerated pop or afterbang. In one line he does a nollie on a crack (not an actual nollie) and then skates into / ride on to a 50-50. Not your typical, contrived thought out line.
His ss bs powerslide on ice/water was sick.
He has a lot of great ditch skating and stuff that normally wouldn´t seem video part worthy, like slappies and that indoor mini ramp line. But I like watching it.
Oh the half flip (like Jim Thiebaud did in Speed Freaks 20 years ago) step up was cool.

So a good video with traditional parts, each with opening shot, personality shot, face shot and an ender.
Hopefully the lack of dvd sales will change this Plan B-ish way of making videos. It's been a great formula but I'm down for a change. Hot Chocolate, for example, was a great video I thought.
Now go buy it. Yes, Hot Chocolate too if you can find one.

The TW video is only $9, like I mentioned here.
Unfortunately I heard it´s only available in the American itunes store... which obviously doesn´t make any sense considering 6.7 billion people live outside this piece of land.

Last part of Henrik´s series of clips from Norway

The first part when Erik J is trying to figure out the plastic John Deere is priceless.

Avsnitt 74 from Oh SO PRIMITIVE on Vimeo.

New Transworld skate video on itunes!

I just paid the measly amount of $9 to watch the new Transworld skate video "Right Foot Forward".
In 12 min I´ll be having a reindeer sandwich and watching this highly anticipated video.

Go to itunes and buy it now.
Later today I bet I will watch it again, probably on my phone (nerd alert).

I was actually browsing the itunes store to buy the "Transworld Shoot Out" videos, but they weren´t online yet.
And then I stumbled across this video. Hyped.

Congratulations to Rome for winning the Shoot Out, their teaser looked really good. Whereas I didn´t even make a teaser :)
Just fade in and out a part of the clip, nice.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

More about the MJ clip

Sweden's biggest newspaper made another article about the buzz that the clip I uploaded has created.

The dance collective behind the idea have been contacted from all sorts of media and from all over the world.

And there are some new flash mobs from around the world circulating on Youtube.

Here´s a clip from Taiwan:

And here are a few more:
Hong Kong
Taiwan # 1
Taiwan # 2
Taiwan # 3
Taiwan # 4

If you know Swedish you can read about the Youtube phenomenon here:

Kul att jag blev refererad som "någon" i artikeln :)

En till artikel här:

Friday, July 24, 2009


I went to see a total eclipse in France in the late 90´s. It was a pretty awesome experience.
This picture is from the one in France, taken from the Eiffel Tower, stolen from someone on Flickr.

Last week there was one in Asia.

Here are two clips of it. One with more or less unedited shots and one shot from an airplane.

Natural phenomenon's like these are really fascinating to me. Even the northern lights, which occur almost daily, in the winter time, where I grew up.
I remember another solar one that happened in Stockholm around 2001. It was at 5-6 in the morning and I was pretty alone out there taking photos.
Lunar ones are easier to see, and occur more often. I remember seeing one when I lived in New Haven around 2004.

I might try and educate myself a little better about when/where the next ones will happen. They are truly awesome.


Saw Bruno, it was funny. Not like insanely funny, but uncomfortably funny enough to say OMG a few times.

I´m curious if people in the Midwest and the South will enjoy it as much as the rest of us. Probably not.

Here´s a trailer for it:

And here´s my fav Bruno clip from The Ali G show.
Bruno talking to some American frat dudes:

New teaser from The Pirates

I really enjoyed it. Some excellent snowboarding in there.

My fav shots were the ones in the beginning where they jumped from one snowbank, over the road, to another bank.

Here´s the link:

Thursday, July 23, 2009

New clip from our Norway trip.

Henke J put together another clip from our Summer Action Trip (S.A.T).

Like I said before, my edit will take a few more weeks to get together.

Avsnitt 73 from Oh SO PRIMITIVE on Vimeo.

Heikki has new sponsors.

One of the most talented snowboarders to walk on this planet has ended things with Burton and is now proudly endorsing Weekend Snowboards and Bond Outerwear.

Read more here:

Thanks for calling before biting my style.

Here´s a sweet picture of Heikki with a cancer stick and a great sticker job on his board. Taken in Hemsedal around 1999-ish.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I want my 3 min back.

Sheckler, Lutzka and Rogers are just so lame in the stupid AXE commercial/film. WTF!

After the incident at 3:45 I had to turn it off, after being tortured with lame ass music, acting and whatnot.

Thanks Vince, you owe me lunch.

Who finances this crap? Aren´t we in a recession?

Monday, July 20, 2009

P-Rod in new Nike commercial.

Featuring Ice Cube.

Click on the video icon in the bottom right corner:

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mini interviews from the DC shoot at Northstar/Tahoe.

Transworld did this thing were four teams got to go to a resort and shoot video and photos for a week and "compete" against eachother.
The shoot was judged on the video clip I made, Andy´s photos and the riding obviously.

On July 27th you can buy the videos on itunes. Until then here are some short interviews with the riders, the media and the park crew.

You can watch a teaser about the shoots here:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Burton and Absinthe teasers

I don´t know what to say about the Burton one.

It didn´t get me very exited. But I´m exited to see the whole thing. Brad, Jaakko and Gabe should kill it.

Absinthe´s is what you´s expect from Absinthe. Pow.
I for one can´t wait to see JP Solberg ride.

Neverland by Absinthe Films from Absinthe Films on Vimeo.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lakai Rick Howard commercial

It´s semi entertaining.

Johan Florell, 1985-2009

He was one of Sweden's most talented skaters and taken away from this world way to soon.

Defekt, Transition and Skate Feber (Swedish skate media) posted the sad news.

You can se Johan skate here:

Saw the new Entourage last night.

And I must say I wasn't too hyped. That show is 80% Ari Gold, 10% Johnny and Turtle, Eric, Vincent, Lloyd share the other 10%. Actually Sloan is a bigger reason to watch it than those last four dudes. So let's give her some % too.

3 million views, 2nd most watched clip on Youtube this week and 2nd most viral video in the world.

Aftonbladet made an article about it´s distribution too. But they seemed smart enough not to use a screen grab of my clip (which the news is based on) and use the one Bounce made.

The local magazine where I went to high school wrote about it too and it was the most read article for a day or two and number two for this week.
Stats, stats, stats.

Some people commented on it and said it wasn´t news though. Because viral video charts and Aftonbladet among others must not know what they are talking about. There were some pretty amusing comments, but they got removed.
Having a Swedish dance collective dancing in the streets of Stockholm and that clip becoming this popular can´t be news.

Monday, July 13, 2009

A little bit of road trippin

Henke Jonsson made a clip of our first day of the Folgefonna trip.

I´m assuming there will be more parts coming this week now that he has a new MacBook to edit on!

I´m working on a version too, but it´s a week or three away...

Avsnitt 71 from Oh SO PRIMITIVE on Vimeo.

Here are some more photos as well: