Thursday, January 31, 2008

Fildelningsdebatt / Illegal file sharing.

Sorry, for swedes only..

Här är ngr intressanta inlägg i fildelnings debatten:

Varför ska en artist som till exempel Petter (rapparn) försörja sig på existensminimum?
Varför kan inte han få tjäna pengar?
Tycker ni att det är ok att en advokat, mäklare eller bilförsäljare ska tjäna pengar, men inte en artist vars musik du tycker om och gärna lyssnar på?
Jo, det är nog jävligt lätt för ngn som vill skriva bra musik att turnera och spela in sin musik medans han/hon jobbar extra som lärare på en mellanstadie skola. Bra upplägg..

Och folk har visst råd att köpa musik lagligt. Sen att man inte tar sig råd är en helt annan sak. Men ingen kan säga att musik och filmer blivit för dyrt.
Jag köpte hundratals cd skivor medans jag gick gymnastiet (för 15 år sen) och levde på 1100 kr i månaden. Då kostade skivor ca 150kr. Fast man handlade nog mest på "Nice Price" avdelningen eller på skivmarknaden, har ni hört..?! En marknad där man säljer skivor. Lycka till att slå upp en sån på Folkparken i Skellefteå idag :)

Jag håller med att just cd skivor är rätt förlegade. Men vill du ha tag i t ex en gammal Roxette skiva / låt så kan du köpa den för ngr kr på itunes butiken. Hur enkelt som helst, till och med enklare än att stjäla den via ett fildelningsprogram.

En VHS hyrfilm kostade typ 50 kr för 15 år sen och det betalade man gladeligen. Så igen kan säga att det är för dyrt att köpa / hyra filmer idag.

Sen borde det kanske vara smidigare att se filmen du hyrt. Där kan nätet vara till hjälp.
I Usa finns det många bra alternativ att hyra film lagligt via internet (itunes och andra "on demand" tjänster via kabel tv) och via posten (

En stor skillnad mellan Usa och Sverige (i den här frågan) är dock att svenskar inte tycker det är ngt fel med att stjäla. Rätt märkligt med tanke på hur osolidariska jänkare är generellt.

Tänk också på att en artist ofta har en karriär på ngr år, kanske 10 om man har inspiration och tur att fortsätta göra bra musik. Tappar man gnistan eller ett album floppar så har dom inte ngt speciellt skyddsnät som ngn som t ex jobbar på Telia.
Tror du att du får mamma ledighet och 80-90% av din förra årslön om du får ett barn som musikartist?
Nä, nog är det bara bita ihop och leva på det man sparat.

Så funkar det till en väldigt liten del. När du kan stjäla musik eller film på nätet så kommer du förmodligen inte att hyra eller köpa den filmen / musiken. Därav försvinner artistens / filmarens / skådisens intäkter.
Klart det inte skulle göra ngt om 10% av svenska folket tyckte det var ok med fildelning. Men enligt så tycker 9 av 10 att det är ok att fildela. Det är det som är det tragiska. Att stora massan tycker att film och musik ska vara allmän egendom.

Dom ansvariga på Pirate Bay säger att dom inte gör ngt olagligt när dom tillhandahåller information vart man kan ladda ner upphovsrätts skyddat material.

Nä eller hur... för 99% av det dom tillhandahåller är ju copyright skyddat...

Ja.., varför ska man betala för ngt man kan få gratis?

Jag ska använda det argumentet när jag tankar bilen för 800 kr nästa gång och kör därifrån utan att betala.

Visst har jag laddad ner en eller ett par saker. Men de tillfällerna bleknar i sammanhanget sedan jag köper 99% av min musik och film på laglig väg. Ok, kanske 97% då.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Photo Gallery from the NZ rally shoot

Check out:

The photos from that trip are pretty cool. Click in the lower right corner.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Speeding ticket, snowboarding and rally clips

Went to Ume for a couple of days and on my way down there I got a speeding ticket. I was pretty bummed.
The cops were lurking on a small road, about 200 meters after a camera spot, and when I spotted them I was doing about 95 according to my speedometer. Since I was on a 90 road I thought I was fine for sure, but no.

According to them I was doing 103... I was like, are you sure? Please let me see the radar gun. They showed it to me and I couldn´t do much. I swear I wasn´t doing 103 especially since they are supposed to take off about 7km/h too.

$300 down the drain. Thanks.

I suggest taking the fucking raindeers off the roads and saving some lives instead of shooting your radar on a strech of road that has a camera every 10 km!

Watched "I Am Legend" with Will Smith. And boy was that movie bad. The first half was pretty sick. Then it got kind of lame and the last 30 minutes just plain sucked. What a waste of Hollywood money.. Worst ending of a movie that had a pretty good start to it.
The company was great though.

On Saturday I went to Kåbdalis to ride some pow with my friends Markus and Tobbe. It was great. I was riding like Bambi, but it was still a lot of fun. I got to eat a Semla too, very happy about that.
The weather was great and the snow too. The stoke factor went way up when the temp rose from -21 to -5 in the last few km.

This weekend was also X-Games week.

Very happy about my friends Andreas and Torstein from Norway who got gold in Slope Style and Big Air. It was Torsteins first X-Games and he did some sick tricks. There is some some controversy about Torstein beating Travis Rice in the semi finals. But I for one think the judges did a good job on giving it to Torstein in this case. Rice´s was sick, but not as sick.

Judging is tricky and I usually don´t agree with the judges too often, but at the end of the day it´s only snowboarding. We´re not curing cancer here or rigging a Florida election.

Swedish skier Jon Olsson also got a gold and a bronze at the X-Games.

Here are the rally car clips I´ve been working on. I finished 25% of the clips just hours before they had to be done, well actually I was already 24 hours late. It sucked. Had to make some last minute music changes. So unfortunatly they aren´t as good as they could have been.
We shoot this in Wanaka New Zealand in four days in mid September and the clip with the Primus song became the ending part in my last film; DC´s "Mtn Lab 1.5".

Click on the "BEHIND THE SCENES VIDEO CLIPS" on the right hand side.

There are also a few Youtube links to that Primus section:

I´ll post a Youtube link to the X-Games stuff tomorrow. Need to try and sleep now.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I hate music

It´s prolly not politically correct for me to write this..

But the music industry has made my life a living hell for way too long now and I need to vent a little.

I make movies. I usually need music to edit awesome movies and other clips. I´ve been fortunate enough to work with big music budgets (for my line of work) and have spend mucho dineros on songs I´ve used. I can´t say how much, but is depressingly much.

So what´s so horrible?

Well I´ll tell you.

The music industry isn´t what it was 10 years ago when teenagers and others too for that matter were buying

Illegal downloads is a huge problem. The fact that people don´t "feel" like paying for music is absurd.

How are musicians going to make a living if you don´t feel like paying for it when you can steal it on DC++ or ..?

I have to admit. About 1% of the music and video I have in my possesion are illegal downloads. I suck.

Sure some artists are making a killing. Like Ashlee Simpson or Kelly Clarkson, or Markolioo and Amy Diamond here in Sweden.

But it´s the smaller guys who used to sell moderate amounts of cd´s that can´t make ends meet now.

Here in Sweden there is a band called The Bear Quartet who always gets really good reviews in the magazines but I´m pretty sure they aren´t selling a lot of cd´s. And therefor I´m assuming it´s hard for these very talented musicians to pay rent.
It wouldn´t surprise me if they played for 5.000 fans at the Hultsfred festival, but only a fraction of the crowd had bought their latest album.

I mean why pay €20 for something you can steal online and not get caught for?

This in an about way becomes a problem for me.
Record labels and publishers need to make up for the loss in record sales. So when I approach them (via a contracted music supervisor) about using a song for a snowboard movie or in my latest case a rally car web clip they either deny the request or they want too much money.
This is the same story when I make dvd´s that go on sale in stores.

Since this artists music is probably on 20.000 youtube clips already and maybe as many bootleg cd´s in south east Asia why won´t they embrace the idea of me paying a couple of hundred or a couple of thousand dollars to use a song they made maybe 10 years ago for a clip that will be online for a few months on a website? (ridiculously long sentence)

I´d hope they´d be stoked that we´re going to pay a good amount of money (for my industry) for a song that´s not their current cash cow.

Many band members are into being in snow/skate/surf/moto related videos (my field). But most of the time their publishers aren´t. So what usually happens is that the band gets no exposure and the record label and publishers gets no money. And I get an ulcer and a headache.

All I want to do is pay a reasonable amount of money for music and in return hundreds of thousands of people gets exposed to their music and hopefully that will make the band and everyone else involved happy.

This fall was a living hell because of music rights. Just hell. For weeks.

The last week has been the same. So many denials while under the pressure of meeting the deadline (which passed 24 hours ago).

The worst is when a band rejects your request. Cause usually it´s a band I have albums with, been to their concerts and have great memories too etc. It´s kind of like if you´re a kid and you meet your idol and he´s spits in your face and then makes out with your sister. Kind of like that...

Like why would a band I used a few months ago deny me on this project? I don´t get it...

Or why wouldn´t Operation Ivy (old punk band) grant my request?

The band Operation Ivy (and many with them) are now dead to me.

So now it´s 2.40 am. I´ve been working 16 hour days for 5 something days and missed the only good powder day of the year. The weekend sucked, like so many other weekend have in the past due to record labels and music publishers.

I hate you.

To the band that have played ball with me; I LOVE YOU.

I love music so much I hate almost everything about it.

Now back to work. Have 4 hours to re-edit for the 6th time.
It would be refreshing to go for a walk. I´ve averaged about 200 steps a day since Thursday so we´ll see if the legs remember how to move. With any luck a pack of wolves will attack me.

Soon it will be over. Until next time.

I pitty myself.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Short two day trip to eastern Finland (Ruka)

I heard that Mack Dawg had a crew (Jakkoo, Lauri, Ettala and Heikki) filming in Ruka. It was close enough to me to get in the car and drive the 400km to go check it out.

I´ve never really been on a film shoot without working before. So it felt good to leave the cameras behind (well actually they are in San Diego).

I did manage to take a couple of shots with the little camera.

Last time I was in northern Finland was on my first film trip after starting Robot Food. That was in November 2000, I think. Damn, over seven years ago...

There were like 50 Porsche´s at a hotel in Rovaniemi. Kind of unexpected. Germans and japanese people were driving them. Oh, and the finns claim Santa Claus live here in Rovaniemi. They have a huge Santa Land here... but we all know Santa is from Sweden.

Ruka, or part of it. It was 0 degrees this day, which is like 20-30 degrees warmer than normal.

I actually did a google image search for "terska" the other day... I was shocked when my face showed up.

Jaakko, Eero and Rasmus checking out some new edit of this music video Jaakko did for Lordi.

Heikki riding backwards. X-treme.

Larry with his 5 o´clock shadow.., I mean 5 week shadow.

If you don´t a have pin to use your visa in a cash machine you´re sorta screwed in Finland, at least in Lapland.
Went to a store to buy some finnish candy and Gin pre mixed drinks. I bought candy and alcohol for like €80 but they only accepted finnish visa cards. Not stoked. This was after I tried to fill up my car with gas in Ruka for over an hour. But the pre pay gas stations they had there only took finnsih visa cards too. After 45 min of asking around a resturant was kind enough to give me some cash from my card. Isn´t it 2008? Did Neil Armstrong not land on the moon 40 years ago?

On my way home I wanted to burn some cd´s to listen to. But I was out of luck. Looks like the finns likes to burn cd´s. Not that I could buy them anyway. The store didn´t accept foreign visa cards.

Look at what I could have taken home... Of course the gas station 10 meters away didn´t reject my card after dumping 80 liters of gas into the car. That would have been a sweet scene.

Had to try shopping for the Gin pre mixed long drinks again. They are really tasty. This is my 2nd attempt. But no, Alco (the govt liquor store) didn´t accept foreign visa cards either. Although they had a visa logo on the door. Pretty inconvenient.
Had to go to another restaurant for some cash back on the card.

AmEx knows.

What did I learn from this trip?

Ruka looks like a fun mtn. Would love to come here in the spring when the roads aren´t death traps.
Watching a film session without having to work was refreshing.
Bring cash next time.
Oh and recordable cd´s.

I did stop at Ikea in Haparanda on the way home. Bought some stuff for the parents and ate two €0.50 hot dogs.
And yes they take visa. I mean it´s Sweden!

Now back to work. I have a deadline for some rally car edits on Monday... And my local mtn Kåbdalis will have so much pow tomorrow. Damn.

Hope all is well with ya´ll.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

In Sweden still

Heard there´s been pow in a lot of places. Kinda miss riding.

But I think I rather go to a warm place, but where?

Here are some good plays:

Monday, January 07, 2008

Since I don´t really live anywhere, is this an option?

I admire this guy Mark Malkoff who is living at IKEA in New Jersey this week when his apartment is being fumigated.

Pretty creative and funny if you ask me.

Check out his site:

Otherwise I´m just chillin in Luleå. Trying to edit some stuff.

Was in Skellefteå on saturday and watched hockey and drank cocktails at Statshotellet.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Rudy´s new video. You gotta love this propaganda.

I´m speechless... seriously speechless.

Please, just look.

It´s an official Rudy Giuliani clip!

Actually I do have some words....

How can this be a legit clip from a presidential candidate? Really, how can it be?

How can someone put this together and think "Wow, we did a great job with this one. This is was America needs. We need to show that middle eastern people are perverted and their religion will cause terrorism in our country"...

It would be interesting to see what happened if a clip like this ever would ever surface in Sweden (will never happen, it´s illegal to upset people of a certain ethnicity here) or in Europe for that matter.

Freedom of speech is great isn´t it? Especially when someone like Rudy makes a piece like this.

At least Leni Riefenstahl had skills

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

X-mas and stuff

So haven´t been doing much. I have some work to do but I´m mostly sleeping, or not sleeping. Kinda weird uh?

Went snowboarding for half a day in Tärnaby a few days ago. It was fun, but my body was hurting a little.

Tärnaby usually have temps around 20 to 30 below celsius this time a year. That´s 4 to 22 below fahernheit. This year it was +4 celcius / 39 fahrenheit. Strange.

Sweden is pretty chill, maybe that´s why I sleep all the time.

My last week in San Diego was pretty stressful.

I was packing and cleaning until 3 am with a 8 am flight... Pretty standard.
I laid down at 5 am to try and pop my back, but fell asleep... oops. Thank the lord that my friend called at 6 am and asked why I wasn´t at his house to drop of my white slipper (Caddy).

Barely made the flight after paying 170$ in extra baggage and 200$ in rebooking fee:(
You would think they could make sure your bags made it to your final destination when they make you pay extra for some extra kilos.. but I only collected 1/3 of my bags in Stockholm. I was not surprised.

The airline wanted more money from me in Denver, but I was like... no. So that took a while and that made be board the plane to Munich as the last person. And because they were over booked I got business class, not lame.

Trash, moving out sucks on so many levels.

Denver airport.

Not a lame way to travel. If it only happened more often than every 200 flights.

This is what they have on display 50 meters from the gate at the Munich airport. I don´t think that would fly in the bible belt or Salt Lake Airport. Can you imagine?

I complain about people who stand right by the belt when the bags arrive. In Sweden we have rules. See how nice and smooth it works with those pretty little yellow lines on the floor. I love the swedish mentality and trust for rules and regulations. It´s like we are robots sometimes. Always listening to what socialstyrelsen has to say. It´s lovely.

Stockholm from above.

First mag I picked up in Sweden.
At least Method Mag didn´t print the ad for my movie completely wrong...

Me in Tärnaby after paying 8-9$ / gallon for gas...

Now back to installing my an imac.